
Mysore Yuvas



Farewell Tibi Tom

Dear Yuvas,
Our Dear friend Tibi Tom Abraham is leaving Mysore today for his better and higher studies to Germany. We Mysore Yuvajana Sakhyam will surely miss your pleasant presence and spiritual messages.
Tibi, we are really thankful for your consideration towards our needs. You are an exceptionally genuine person. We all loved you for your approach towards each and every issues. Moreover we would say, we will be missing a very blessed person called “YOU”.
We are little emotional to loose such an influential persons presence. We convince yourself that we all are on journey of life and we will meet again at some book and corners of this beautiful world. Continue reading “Farewell Tibi Tom”

Lets Celebrate-Onam 2015

May the spirit of Onam remain everywhere, Whatever you do, Whatever you think, Whatever you hope in your life “Wish you a Happy Onam”
Aishwaryavum, Samridhiyum Niranja  nalla nalukal ennum undavatte Oppam manassil snehathinte oru Nalla Onavum !
Mysore Mar Thoma Yuvajana Sakhyam Wishes Everyone a Very Happy & Prosperous Onam


Onam Celebrations 2015

The Harvest festival of Onam is here again bringing memories of a bygone Golden Era and Reassuring Peace and Prosperity throughout humanity. Let us Celebrate it with Pomp and Flair.

Date: 30th August, 2015
Venue: Mar Thoma Syrian Church, Mysore

Onam 2015

DYC 2014 Mysore

Diocesan Youth Conference 2014
Chennai-Bangalore Diocese

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

Here is another new beginning, a new endeavour to experience the love of our Lord Jesus Christ and the His teachings in new light. Mangalore and Mysore Marthoma Yuvajana Sakhyam heartily invite one and all to the DYC-2014.
Graced by the President Rt. Rev Dr. Issac Mar Philexinos Episcopa

10295815_10202679426365128_7758671668229170469_n Continue reading “DYC 2014 Mysore”

Onam Celebrations 2012

Onam, Which heralds the beginning of the harvest season is an occasion to celebrate the splendor and bounty bestowed by nature. The festival is a joyous tribute to the farmer and inspires to cherish our environment.

Onam Poster 2012

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Retreat: U Turn in iGen

U Turn in the i Generation
You Who are young, be happy while you are young,
and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth
Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see,
but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgement.
So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles
of your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless/
Ecclesiastes 11:9-1

Youth Retreat 2012

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Onam Celebrations 2011

ONAM is a celebration of happiness. This festival has great significance in our rich heritage. Traditionally celebrated as a harvest festival, it gives us a message of equality and togetherness. People celebrate the festival irrespective of cast, creed or religious barriers. We, the Yuvas at Mysore Mar Thoma Church are fortunate to organize the festival in grand style.

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Youth Sunday’ 2010

Dear Yuvas
This Sunday, 10th of October 2010 is being observed as Youth Sunday at Mysore Mar Thoma Church. We at Mysore Mar Thoma Yuvajana Sakhyam request all the youths to be a part of this Worship on Sunday. Let us all come together and praise the name of our Beloved Father Jesus Christ.
Lets Go one Way – To Jesus, because He is the Only one that we could live for.

“Jesus, Your Are the Way, The Truth And the Life, We Live By Faith And Not By Sight ! For You ! We Are Living All For You”

Onam Celebrations 2010

September 19th 2010, we Mysore Yuvas Just cherished the spirit of Onam and enjoyed its breathtaking vistas… Simply we guys put our best foot forward and gyrate to the clapping rhythms of Kaikottikali and various other entertainments. We indulged our self in the adventures and thrill of Onakkalikal.

Onam Poster 2010

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