
“The Glory of young men is their strength…”
Proverbs 20:29

We Mysore Yuvas, handful of youths have lived up to the proverb. A very lively and spirited bunch of souls always trying to do God’s will in new and refreshing ways. There is this grace that draws a diverse student community and working youngsters to join the Mysore Mar Thoma Yuvajana Sakhyam when they newly embrace the city of Mysore and its humble parish.
The number of initiatives and the variants of these taken up by these young minds often amazes the parishioners. Medical Camps, Retreats, Camps, Bible Studies, Choir Activities, Debates and Discussions – a fulfilling list of endeavors.

The parish looks forward for some of the annual activities, which the youths have transformed as their signature events. To name a few – the Onam celebration(a cultural treat worth experiencing), the Christmas carols(an earnest effort to recreate the nostalgic custom). There is this energy this group brings in, a charisma that spreads enthusiasm and vigour. One can put them to test and find them hold high the torch of hope with tremendous strength and courage. There is no doubt that there is so much more these young chaps can offer to the society. And so much more they yearn to do. May new ventures and challenges come their way that can build a more meaningful existence of the Sakhyam; helping it evolve into a forum that is capable of addressing greater concerns of our society.

We are “Bunch of Youths” with fresh fire serving Almighty in all walks of life.
“We Are Mysore Yuvas”